Let’s Talk Turkey

Meet the one critter that’s on everyone’s Thanksgiving guest list. LIVE TURKEYS of the domestic variety will be at the Naturalist’s Cabin for some serious turkey talk. In addition to … Read more

Lake Martin Clean Up Day

VOLUNTEER LAKE MARTIN CLEAN UP DAY! Give back to the community and help us keep our beautiful town clean! Transportation from and back to Montgomery and lunch will provided for … Read more

Valentines Craft Night

Valentines Craft Night at Dadeville Public Library February 9th and 13th. Contact Dadeville Public Library for more information.

Valentines Craft Night

Valentines Craft Night at Dadeville Public Library February 9th and 13th. Contact Dadeville Public Library for more information.  

Writer’s Workshop

Learn to tell your story. Beginning Writer’s Workshop at the Adelia Russell Library on February 15 from 1-4pm. Space is limited so sign up today! Presented by Ford McMurtry with … Read more