
August 2022-Lake Martin Fishing Report

Lake Level: 490.4 Full Pool (You can always get the most up to date lake level here.)
Surface Temp: 90
Clarity: Clear

Oh man-In July, not only did we have some record high temperatures, but we also set some record striper catches last month with crazy numbers caught per trip, and per boat. Now to move on to our August forecast…. Our hopes and thinking is that this month may be really good also, and this thinking like this comes from simply that July weather conditions and water temperatures have been like your normal August conditions. Therefore it has our hopes up for one of our better August catches in awhile.

Some (but not all) of our success in August can be contributed to numerous things:

1. Getting on water early (like before daylight)

2. Having the mindset that you may have to cover a lot of water to locate the ever moving stripers

3. Having good live bait

4. Having in place our Scotty Electric Down Riggers ready for trolling if the live bait isn’t working

5. Having a couple of rods rigged with huge top water lures for the occasional trophy surfacing in casting distance

6. Concentrating in deep clear water

7. Not being afraid to search in areas that in any other month you know for a fact there would never be a striper

8. Having our boats stocked with plenty of cold water and Gatorade for ourselves, because if you are not hydrated and feeling your best then you will start second guessing yourself on why are we even attempting to catch fish. Believe me you want a good mindset to make the correct decision when it’s time to perform to the fullest of your ability.

I often am asked why aren’t we fishing close to the dam? Aren’t they at the dam in the summer months? Well the truth is yes, some stripers hang out close to the dam, but that doesn’t mean they are all at the dam or that they are biting close to the dam. If every striper was at the dam you could actually walk across the lake on top of them because there are millions of stripers in Lake Martin. So in reality, don’t spend all your time at the dam.

If you fish for stripers in other states or other lakes, even if it’s in Alabama, you’ve got to realize this is Lake Martin. What might work for you at your other lakes, doesn’t mean it’s a guarantee that it will work here. Have an open mind, try something new, and I honestly believe you will be pleasantly surprised what August fishing has in store for you.

If you are interested in a guided trip for some of the best striper fishing on Lake Martin then contact me at 256-401-3089. I would love to have you join us.

Until next time stay safe and catch one for me!

Special thanks to David Hare with Alex City Guide Service for our monthly fishing report.

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Understanding the Buoys in Lake Martin


If you are out fishing on Lake Martin, you will see hundreds of buoys across the lake that have been placed by the non-profit organization, Lake Martin Resource Association.  These buoys are there to keep you safe, and we want you concentrating on your tight lines as opposed to accidents.  To learn more about what each of the buoys mean, and what to do if you accientally hit one, go here.  

Update on the Million Dollar Fish Swimming in Lake Martin

tagged fish

The annual Crank 4 Bank event ended last month. Since April, anglers have been fishing for the tagged fish in Lake Martin.  The awards ceremony was held July 9th at The Mitchell House, and we are proud to say that we had 16 winners this year.  While we did not have anyone catch the elusive million dollar fish, we did have 16 very happy anglers who each walked away with $1,500.  Make sure to plan to be a part of this event next year!


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The Lake Martin area has undeniable southern charm that flows from the shorelines to downtown city streets. Both Alexander City and Dadeville communities take delight in the casual vibes of ‘lake life’

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