One Of Alabama’s Most Unique New Year’s Eve Traditions-The Zazu Drop At Zazu’s Verandah

New Year’s Eve is one of my favorite holidays!  There is so much excitement about what the new year will bring, as well as a time to reflect on the year gone by.  And I especially love a good NYE party!

While Zazu’s Verandah is known to host great live music throughout the year, they also throw one of the best NYE parties on this side of the lake. Returning for its second year, the city of Dadeville comes to life as Zazu’s Verandah hosts locals and guests from far and wide for a packed house and night of fun on New Year’s Eve.

This year’s party includes free live music from “The Legends,” returning for their second NYE at Zazu’s Verandah. There will also be party favors, fun, and of course, the “Zazu Drop!”

The Zazu Drop

New York has the Ball Drop, Atlanta has the Peach Drop… and Dadeville has the Zazu Drop!  Yes, you heard that right. Rather than dropping a ball to count down to the new year,  Zazu’s Verandah drops well…….Zazu!

The idea was sparked by the owner’s beloved Rainbow Lorikeet, Zazu. Zazu was a very close pet to Rick and Mitzy Hidding, and ultimately the inspiration behind the venue’s name. When Zazu passed, a close friend had a replica of Zazu made in the form of a pillow as a thoughtful gift. This Zazu pillow has since become an icon in Zazu’s Verandah, and now a New Year’s Eve tradition.

Decked out in beads and feather boas, guests gather around to count down to the new year and cheer as the Zazu comes down from the 14 feet ceiling, becoming the now famous “Zazu Drop.”

Even More Reason Why Zazu’s Verandah Is One Of The Best Places To Celebrate New Year’s Eve Around Lake Martin

Besides the famous Zazu Drop, another thing that sets Zazu’s Verandah’s NYE party away from the others is the fact that you don’t have to worry about making it a late night. In fact, you only have to make it to 10pm!  While it sounds fun to stay up till midnight and ring in the New Year, let’s face it-many of us just can’t make it that late anymore!

Zazu’s Verandah kicks things off at 7pm with live music, dancing, and fun. But when 10PM rolls around, get ready to celebrate!  Zazu’s count down to the new year is nice and early, so everyone can still get out to enjoy the evening and still be snug in their beds by midnight.

Also, this NYE party and live music are free to the community.  The owners simply ask in return to please tip the band generously.

The Details

zazus new years eve flyer

Location:  128 W. Cusseta Street  Dadeville, AL  36853

Time:  Doors open at 6:15 pm, live music starts at 7:00 pm. The Zazu  Drop and NYE countdown is at 10:00 pm

Admission:  FREE

*** This party is only for guests ages 21 and up.   Zazu’s Verandah has an ABC License and will be selling wine and beer for your listening pleasure.

A Year To Remember-2022

Should old acquaintance be forgot, 

and never brought to mind?

Should old acquaintance be forgot, 

And auld lang syne. 

It’s hard to believe this year is already coming to an end! And Zazu’s Verandah is so excited to welcome you to celebrate.  As the lyrics suggest of “old times, especially times fondly remembered” or “old or long friendship,” take time this New Year’s Eve to reflect on friends, family, and loved ones in your life as well as good memories in 2022.

We want to wish a very Happy New Year to you and yours, from Lake Martin Tourism!


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