Registration begins at 4:00AM in the marina store. $120.00 per boat. $10.00 big fish pot and a $10.00 Average Joe Pot (voluntary). There’s also a voluntary Big Spot Side Pot for $10.00. Total would be $150.00 for tournament with all awards. Registration can be made with cash or check the morning of the tournament or online here at Fishing Chaos. Anglers NEED TO SET UP a Fishing Chaos App to speed up registration.
Instructions: Boats will pass by the last dock in the order of entry. Look for the strobe lights and listen for the megaphone. Livewell doors need to be open for inspection as each boat passes by. Idle past the buoys and take off. Blast off is at safe light. Boats 1-25 First Flight (3:00PM weigh in). Boats 26-50 Due in at 3:15PM. 51-75 Due in at 3:30PM.
Location: Wind Creek State Park
For registration and more information please visit OGS Tournaments.