
Where to Watch Fireworks at Lake Martin on 4th of July Weekend

At Lake Martin, we love going big on all holidays. I do mean every single holiday….. sometimes we even make up our own (ever heard of Plug Day?) We love celebrating, and Independence Day Weekend is definitely no exception. We love God, our Country, and………Fireworks!

We have two nights in a row of explosive fun, and you will want to check out both. Aside from the actual fireworks displays, there is so much more happening during 4th of July Weekend. We will give you the deets on all of it, but let’s start with where to watch fireworks on 4th of July weekend!

Alexander City Celebrate Freedom Christian Concert and Fireworks

Sunday, July 3rd 

celebrate freedom concert

This one happens at the Benjamin Russell High School Band Practice Field and gets started about 6pm. This year Celebrate Freedom will welcome headliner Colton Dixon, who you may remember from season 11 of American Idol. You will also be able to see GFM-Griffith Family Music-performing live, as well as comedian, Mickey Bell. The evening will conclude with an amazing fireworks display presented by Pyro Shows of Alabama. This event is free, and there will be food and drinks available for purchase.

Important to note: This is a Christian, family friendly event. No coolers, alcoholic beverages, or smoking will be allowed since this is on school grounds. You will want to bring your lawn chairs or a blanket to sit on though.

Concert and Fireworks at The AMP

Monday, July 4th 


This is actually the Southeast’s largest fireworks show, and it will be happening right here at Lake Martin. The Bank Walkers will take the stage around 6:30pm, and Andrew Jannakos will be performing live at 8. You many remember him from season 16 of The Voice. At 9, the sky will be lit up in all the pretty colors!

Important to note: You are welcome to bring your own lawnchairs and blankets to sit on, and feel free to bring a cooler as well. Leave the fur babies at home for this one though. Tickets are just $10.

More Fun Things Happening Around Lake Martin on 4th of July Weekend

boat decorated for 4th of july

While we are all excited to light up the sky and celebrate America, there are so many other exciting things happening all weekend long in the Lake Martin area.  Take a look at the complete list of all that is happening around town, and plan out your 4th of July weekend fun!  

July 1

Friday On The Green


Russell Crossroads 


July 1

Wildlife Presentation at the Naturalist Cabin


Russell Crossroads 


July 1

First Friday Family Film Festival 


First Baptist Church Dadeville 


July 1-3

Campsite Decorating Contest 

Wind Creek State Park 


July 2

Yoga On The Green


Russell Crossroads 


July 2

Alexander City Farmer’s Market


Downtown Alexander City 


July 2 

Wind Creek Patriotic Parade


Wind Creek State Park 


July 2 

Fantastic Flags Craft


Wind Creek State Park 


July 2

Live Music at Chuck’s 


Chuck’s Marina 


July 2-3

Arti Gras


Russell Crossroads


July 2-3

Wildlife Presentation at the Naturalist Cabin


Russell Crossroads


July 3

Alexander City Celebrate Freedom


Benjamin Russell High School Band Practice Field


July 3

Live Music at Chuck’s

Chuck’s Marina



July 3-4

Fourth of July Scavenger Hunt

Wind Creek State Park 


July 4

4th of July Boat Parade

Kowaliga Marina



July 4

4th of July Fireworks and Concert


The AMP On Lake Martin



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