people holding fish

April 2022-Lake Martin Fishing Report

Surface Temperature: 62-64
Lake Level: 489.58 (As of April 5-You can always keep up with the current lake level here.)
Clarity: Slightly stained

Lake Martin fishing in April has always been awesome. My parents always said that when the dogwoods are blooming, then the crappie were biting- and year after year that same saying holds true, and especially for the trophy striped bass here. April may be one of my favorite months here on our lake. Last year some of our biggest stripers came in March, but this year is different and I predict most of our 40+ pounders will be boated in April- mainly due to this years weather conditions and water levels coming up a little slower, which means a little later spawning.

A few suggestions to help you this month are things you have read time and time again in my articles, but I only repeat this a lot because it’s what works for us on our lake in April. First of all, catch you some good live bait here on the lake and pull them behind some planer boards in the major feeder creeks and river channel. Next, always keep a couple of spinning rods ready rigged with top water lures, because if you are on the water enough this month you’ll definitely get some huge stripers exploding on the surface close to you. Some ( but not all ) of my favorite top water lures are Redfins, Spooks, Chug Bugs and the occasional Whopper Ploppers.

April is always a busy fishing month for all type of anglers- especially the weekend anglers- so if you get a chance to fish during a weekday then take advantage of it. If not, you’ll still enjoy the weekends on the water. We guide 7 days a week and enjoy every day we are on the water- especially in April. With more and more anglers fishing these days, always have a back up area to fish. Someone may beat you to your favorite spot, and if you have a secondary plan, then you will spend more time fishing than riding and looking. Believe me folks, with 880 miles of shoreline, you will always find a quiet spot to catch fish on Lake Martin.

I hope your April brings you many bent rods and lots of great memories.

We would like to give a special thanks to David Hare with Alex City Guide Service for providing our monthly fishing report.

guide service logo


Local Fishing Tournaments 

April 2- Mike Oglesbee WCBT Classic-OGS

April 2-Southern Union Bass Team

April 9-Ferst Readers of Tallapoosa County-OGS

April 9-Fishers of Men 

April 10-Fishing for Anna Bell Benefit-OGS

April 23- Dadeville Double Play

April 29-OGS Moonlight Series

April 29-30- Alabama Bass Federation


You can check out a complete list of our local fishing tournaments here.  


Catch The Million Dollar Fish Swimming in Lake Martin 


tagged fish

If I were to tell you that one fish could change your life…. would you believe me? What if I told you that fish was worth a cool million dollars? The first time I heard it, I thought that was great for the pros and I thought it would be exciting to hear about one of them catching it. Then, I realized that this little game of chance isn’t just for the pros. Of course, one of the pro anglers in their beautiful bass boats and immaculate tackle collection could be the one to catch it. However, a grandma and grandson sitting out on their back dock could also be the ones to reel that fish in, or I could be out in my kayak fishing and be the lucky one. This is an even playing field for everyone who loves fishing, and likes a little game of chance to go with it. It’s not about catching the biggest fish, or the most fish. All that matters is that you catch the RIGHT fish.  It’s called Crank 4 Bank-and it started April 1.  But-you still have plenty of time, as you have until July 4 to catch this fish or one of his 199 other tagged friends.  Get more information here.  


Send Us Your Fishing Pics 

We would love to see what you are catching on Lake Martin! Want to show it off in next month’s fishing report? Send your pictures to [email protected]


Helping Others Through Fishing at Lake Martin


flyer for charity fishing tournament


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